Writing is a joy...not many have experienced.. You don't need to be a Shakespeare or a Grisham to write.. just write..just let your thoughts flow. You will be surprised at the outcome...u feel light..like u have just shed some 10 kg off..thoughts could be heavy u know.. ;)
Life is truly beautiful..with a one year old baby..umm..once-upon-a-time-baby to a big boy now...life has only been more colorful. When i had initially toyed about the idea of quitting work to be with my son..i was a little apprehensive..how is it going to be? Will i regret it when i see other working women...will i feel guilty of losing my well paid job n a fun office life....and now with every passing day..i cant help but feel blessed that i could afford to take a break and enjoy such beautiful moments...Aarnav's first steps..his first words..his bum dance..the glee on his face wen everyone sits around him and he is the center of attention.. :D priceless!
Its so true..life gives us happiness in equal measure...its up to us to open our arms and embrace it..when we choose to just step back a little and see the big picture you realize that oh yes..why should i be bogged down with such petty day-to-day things...instead be happy with what you have! Which is why its so true that you don't realize what you had..unless its lost! I dont want to ever have this thought..i want to enjoy my life with whatever it is composed of...and make the maximum of it...now..i have all the time in the world..and i can do what i had been dreaming off...wake up fresh in the morning and go for my swimming..then get back and play with Aarnav..which in itself is a rejuvenating experience. These days he has started to stand up for like 8 sec and then wiggle and clap and then 'badum' he falls!! haha...Given some time..i take him for long walks...feel the breeze blow over our faces..pluck flowers...spot birds..makes me feel like a kid again!
O.K let me not be more melodramatic..i shall put a hard stop now...will sign off with my final few words..life is too short...try to make meaningful memories..leave the sad ones out...make space only for your favorite times so that wen your mind's screensaver is on..you will see only the beautiful times and that makes life so totally worth it!!! :)
Life is truly beautiful..with a one year old baby..umm..once-upon-a-time-baby to a big boy now...life has only been more colorful. When i had initially toyed about the idea of quitting work to be with my son..i was a little apprehensive..how is it going to be? Will i regret it when i see other working women...will i feel guilty of losing my well paid job n a fun office life....and now with every passing day..i cant help but feel blessed that i could afford to take a break and enjoy such beautiful moments...Aarnav's first steps..his first words..his bum dance..the glee on his face wen everyone sits around him and he is the center of attention.. :D priceless!
Its so true..life gives us happiness in equal measure...its up to us to open our arms and embrace it..when we choose to just step back a little and see the big picture you realize that oh yes..why should i be bogged down with such petty day-to-day things...instead be happy with what you have! Which is why its so true that you don't realize what you had..unless its lost! I dont want to ever have this thought..i want to enjoy my life with whatever it is composed of...and make the maximum of it...now..i have all the time in the world..and i can do what i had been dreaming off...wake up fresh in the morning and go for my swimming..then get back and play with Aarnav..which in itself is a rejuvenating experience. These days he has started to stand up for like 8 sec and then wiggle and clap and then 'badum' he falls!! haha...Given some time..i take him for long walks...feel the breeze blow over our faces..pluck flowers...spot birds..makes me feel like a kid again!
O.K let me not be more melodramatic..i shall put a hard stop now...will sign off with my final few words..life is too short...try to make meaningful memories..leave the sad ones out...make space only for your favorite times so that wen your mind's screensaver is on..you will see only the beautiful times and that makes life so totally worth it!!! :)
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